Tips for Maintaining and Extending the Lifespan of Your Shot Blasting Machine!

A Shot Blasting Machine is a powerful and versatile industrial tool used for surface preparation, cleaning, and finishing applications. It utilizes abrasive materials, such as steel shots or grits, propelled at high velocities to remove rust, scale, paint, and other contaminants from various surfaces. Shot machines come in different types and configurations, including hanger type, tumble type, and continuous type, each designed for specific applications and workpiece sizes. These machines are widely used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and manufacturing. They offer numerous benefits, including efficient and uniform surface treatment, improved adhesion for coatings, increased productivity, and reduced manual labor. The versatility and effectiveness of Shot Blasting Machine make them indispensable in achieving high-quality surface finishes and enhancing the durability of workpieces. Whether it's preparing a surface for painting, removing scale from me...

All About Shot Blasting Machines and Surface Preparation Technology!!!

 A plethora of industries today need surface preparation technology. To blast a pot or larger surfaces one needs this technology. One such technology is known as the Shot Blasting MachineMany industries like construction, automotive, aerospace, and shipbuilding use this machine. The process is also known as abrasive blasting many times.

 Although there are two types of blasting machines where the usage varies as per the industry’s needs. Being an integral part of metal businesses you will find this technology. Shot blasting uses many small metal balls in larger quantities to crush the surface. 

 Shot Blasting Machine is used to clean, and put together the metals, stone and many other surfaces with the blasting process. 


Industries where a surface preparation machine is used:

  1. Construction Industry: In the construction industry, it is often required where it is needed to de-rust, de-clean, deburr and even de-sand the surface. Shot Blasting is used in two techniques. Firstly, is the wheeler technique where the machine converts the electric motor energy into Kinetic energy to work on larger surfaces. The second method is known as air blasting, which uses compressed air pressure to work with the surfaces.  


  1. Automotive Industry:  We all are well aware of this industry. One of the major metal-using industries in the world. They use abrasive blasting techniques in de-rusting, removing the stress from a steel plate, checking the flaws on a metal piece and extracting a welding slag. To obtain that shining lustre on the metal surfaces wheeling shot blasting equipment is used.


  1. Shipbuilding Industry: When a ship is manufactured they use a plethora of steel sheets to design and construct a ship. As a ship has a larger area to work with it happens many times that the sheets used can become rusty. One of the major reasons a Shot Blasting Machine is used to remove the rust as dealing with it manually will consume time on a large scale.


  1. Aerospace Industry:  In the aerospace industry a blasting machine is mostly used for peening the blades, brakes, landing gears, painting etc. All of this is done to clean and get a perfect surface. One of the major uses of a blasting machine is cleaning the aircraft engines too.


  1. Rail Industry: There are a plethora of uses of an abrasive blasting machine-like, removing rust, peening the wheels, removing paint from the carriages, casting the bogies and much more. The kind of machine used in this process is wheel blasting which focuses on the rail wheels.


  1. General Manufacturing: General uses of a blasting machine can be cleaning, de-rusting and creating a surface better for further usage.


Types of Blasting Machines used in varied industries:

Since we explored the industries and their uses of a blasting machine, we will be exploring the types of machines Surface International manufactures. They provide a variety of blasting machines in many different types of industries. They happen to be one of the prominent Shot Blasting Manufacturers in India, providing the best solutions to their clients.


Here are the types of machines that Surface International Manufacturers:


  1. Air Operated Machines:

The word air operated itself explains its purpose and the role it is used for. They are usually used for cleaning the varied machine components, and oil-free air blast surroundings that maintain the function of a sandblasting system. Surface International is also well-known as one of the best Air Operated Machines Exporters in India.


  1. Construction Equipment:

At Surface International they have a variety of Shot Blasting Machines that are used for different purposes; refractory gunite machines, coke injection machines, and rotary shotcrete machines. They are manufactured in durable sizes as per the need of an individual industry.


  1. Dust Collectors:

The dust collectors collect the dust from the machines themselves and keep it aside instead of ruining the environment. The feeling of being a responsible sapien doesn’t come easily if you happen to be a business owner. The types of dust collectors at the surface are as follows: reverse pulse jet type dust collectors, cyclone type dust collectors, cartridge type dust collectors and fabric type collectors.


  1. Special Purpose Blasting Machine:

You all must be wondering what is the special purpose of this particular machine. Well, let’s raise the curtain and put some spotlight on its purpose. The main function of this machine is to clean large surfaces like plates, automobile structures, beams and many large space structures and demolish the materials as well.

It is used to clean the metal surfaces in industries like aerospace, construction, shipping, railways etc.

They manufacture these machines in different sizes as per the convenience of the usage of every industry. Every size is durable in use and works for a longer time. 



As the leading Shot Blasting Machine Supplier in India, Surface International has a wide variety of blasting equipment to know more about the types of machines they have that they supply in the country. Visit us or click on the link given link below:



Be it manufacturing, supplying or exporting surface international does it all. Being the experts in the industry they know which equipment will suit you best for your requirement. They have got it all covered. Surface International has the best collection of machines for all the utilization one needs including Sand Blasting Machines.


If you are looking for some blasting machines and good guidance to select the best equipment, Surface is one such place to consult.




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